A jump and run game that reminds of some games for the ZX Spectrum.

The objective of the game is to reach the door at the other side of the screen.

A = Left
D = Right
W = Jump

The game is writen in Chip8 and it is using super chip8 and shold work on any emulator. The source code is written with my j-octo compiler which has some additional commands.


In order to compile, open the samples folder in j-octo ide, then open minegame.8o.
To compile it with a standard octo compiler, use EnterTheMineOcto.8o, this is a disassebled and re-constructed version of the game. 

To play the game on ZX Spectrum, download EnterTheMine.tap, it contains the chip8-emulator with the game pre-loaded. You can start it with any ZX Spectrum emulator. 

The second tape is EnterTheMineZ80, this contains the same game, but instead of running in a chip8 emulator, the code has been re-compiled into native z80 code. It runs a bit slower than optimized assembler code but 3-4 times faster than the emulated version.

You might also want to download the Chip8 Emulator for the ZX Spectrum and modify loadgame.cmd so that any chip8 rom plays directly on your favoured zx spectrum emulator.

In order to run smoothly on the ZX Spectrum (which runs at 3.5 MHZ) it uses three private instructions: fast, slow and redraw. During the redraw of the scene, redrawing to the screen is turned off, then the modifications are drawn to the screen. In any other emulator, the game does not use the private commands.



libTiles.8o 8.5 kB
libText.8o 6.6 kB
libFast.8o 1.3 kB
libEnemy.8o 6.5 kB
EnterTheMineZ80.tap 24 kB
EnterTheMine.tap 32 kB
EnterTheMine.ch8 3.3 kB
EnterTheMine.8o 27 kB
libPlayer.ch8 287 bytes
EnterTheMineOcto.8o.8o 106 kB

Install instructions

In order to play the downloaded game. You only need the .ch8 file and any super chip8 emulator of your choice.

Development log

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